MCFSP at UAC's Entrepreneurship Hub Lead & BIO PLANET TMC Ltd Advisor
Roger Komlan Houndjame
MCFSP at UAC's Entrepreneurship Hub Lead & BIO PLANET TMC Ltd Advisor

Specialist in Entrepreneurship and an Expert in supporting start-ups for nearly 10 years, Roger has put his curiosity and creativity at the service of training engineering, entrepreneurship and coaching to support entrepreneurs, business leaders in the implementation and development of their projects.

Currently, he is the Entrepreneurship Hub Lead in the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at University of Abomey-Calavi where he works mainly with Scholars. His efforts have contributed to the birth of several promising businesses within the program in Benin Republic and his commitment to the empowerment of young entrepreneurs remains one of his career goals.

As Business Advisor, Roger provides BIO PLANET TMC team with direct assistance in the planning of the overall project.